Particulars for the Financial Year 2015 - 2016
The company has been regular in filing all compliances with BSE Ltd during the year 2015-2016. The company was however suspended during the month of August, 2015 for procedural reasons and after regular follow of the promoters had been revoked and relisted in January, 2016. There were no penalties imposed by BSE for or during the period of suspension as the same was for procedural reasons.
The listed filings have been re-grouped to reflect the full financial year ie; 01st April to 31st March. For Ex. documents filed in April 2016 - July 2016 for the Quarter ended March 31, 2016 have been shown in the page of 2015-2016.
The details of the filings made with BSE for the year are listed below:
The listed filings have been re-grouped to reflect the full financial year ie; 01st April to 31st March. For Ex. documents filed in April 2016 - July 2016 for the Quarter ended March 31, 2016 have been shown in the page of 2015-2016.
The details of the filings made with BSE for the year are listed below:
Share Holding Patterns
Quarterly Results
Other Continuous Compliances Filed with BSE
The company has been regular in filing all compliances with BSE Ltd during the year 2015-2016. The filings have been re-grouped to reflect the full financial year ie; 01st April to 31st March. For Ex. documents filed in April - July of the new year for the Quarter ended March 31 of the previous year have been regrouped to reflect in the previous year.
A. Notice Board Meetings
B. Outcome of Board Meetings
C. Compliance Certificates
The followings certifications have been made on a Quarterly Basis:
Corporate Governance
Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report & Clause 47
Compliances under 13(3) - Investor Grevience
Compliance Under 40(9) - Half yearly
D. Other Annual Compliance
- 29th Annual General Meeting, 2015
- Others